Governing Board

The Governing Board, which includes Pastor Mac and whose members both satisfy the scriptural standards for church leadership and are members of Bay Community Alliance Church, conducts the affairs of Bay Community between annual meetings and are amenable to the membership and the Christian and Missionary Alliance District Superintendent. 



    Mike has been an active member of Bay Community since the Fall of 2015.

    Elders, along with the Pastor, are the highest level of servant leadership at Bay Community. They oversee both temporal and spiritual affairs in order to accomplish Christ’s mission.

    The Treasurer is responsible to oversee the receipt of all monies of Bay Community and ensures the payment of all bills, on the order of the Governing Board, keeps proper book records of all transactions, and files canceled vouchers and receipts for payments made.

     In addition, Mike is Bay Community's "Tech Guy", handling the web site, live streaming and other "tech stuff".



    Kathy has been an active member of Bay Community since 1993. 

    The Secretary attends and keeps the minutes of membership meetings, along with other meetings, including the Governing Board meetings.  The Secretary also conducts the correspondence of Bay Community, as directed by the Governing Board.

    In addition, Kathy handles the Children & Youth Ministry, as well as serving on the Missions Committee.



    John has been an active member of Bay Community since 1983.

    Elders, along with the Pastor, are the highest level of servant leadership at Bay Community. They oversee both temporal and spiritual affairs in order to accomplish Christ’s mission.



    Jack has been an active member of Bay Community since 2001.

    Elders, along with the Pastor, are the highest level of servant leadership at Bay Community. They oversee both temporal and spiritual affairs in order to accomplish Christ’s mission.

    The Assistant Treasurer, along with the Financial Secretary, is responsible to ensure all monies are counted and to keep a separate record of all receipts, and is empowered to issue receipts to the donors.  

Secondary Title

Appointed Positions

The following positions are appointed by the Governing Board and assist them with the function and operation of Bay Community.

  • Jan Bergeron Gratis

    Financial Secretary

    Jan has been an active member of Bay Community since the Fall of 2015.

    The Financial Secretary, along with the Assistant Treasurer, is responsible to ensure all monies are counted and to keep a separate record of all receipts.

    In addition, Jan has also been involved with working with the Nursery and Children areas of Bay Community.

  • Deb Matsinger

    Financial Secretary

    Deb has been an active member of Bay Community since 2001.

    The Financial Secretary, along with the Assistant Treasurer, is responsible to ensure all monies are counted and to keep a separate record of all receipts.

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    Laurie McDonald


    The Deaconesses shall have charge of those ministries as determined by the Governing Board.

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    Maureen Mickiewicz


    The Deaconesses shall have charge of those ministries as determined by the Governing Board.