Every Thursday evening at 7:00 PM we conduct a Conference Call Prayer, so that we may pray together and support each other as we connect with God. Contact Pastor Mac at or via the church number at 508-759-5141 for the call-in phone number and password.
Ladies Devotional
Join Moe Smith and the ladies of Bay Community as they reconnect and discuss a devotional study on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM (double check the Calendar above for any schedule changes). We would love to have you join them by Zoom - If you would like to join us or have questions contact Moe at
men's devotional study
Join Pastor Mac and the men of Bay Community for some fellowship time, as we reconnect and discuss a devotional study on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month at 7 PM (double check the Calendar above for any schedule changes). We would love to have you join us live at the church or by Zoom (contact Pastor Mac for Zoom info).
Men's Breakfast
Men's Breakfast is on the first Saturday of every month at 7:30 AM (double check the Calendar above for any schedule changes, especially if a Holiday is involved). Join Pastor Mac Smith and the men of Bay Community for some fellowship time, complete with BREAKFAST - A FULL breakfast, not cereal or oatmeal - as we chat, connect and discuss the Bible how it is a part of our lives, and try to make it a bigger part of our lives. Let Pastor Mac know you're coming ( and bring a friend along!
Church lunch gathering
Changed to March 16th - Adult & Teen CHALLENGE Bloom Joins Us!
You can join us on the last Sunday of every month for our world famous Church Lunch Gathering immediately after our Sunday Worship. October-April this is a Pot Luck, where everyone who can is asked to bring a dish or dessert item; May-September it's a BBQ, where the church provides grill items; additional items or desserts are always appreciated. The church provides beverages and salad at every gathering. All are welcome to join us in the fellowship and get to know us and one another better.