From time to time, everyone faces difficult times and issues in their lives. Everyone.... It could be the loss of a loved one or close friend, sickness, financial difficulty, stress, uncertainties, feeling overwhelmed, or a wide variety of things, sometimes even something we just can't put our finger on; but it's affecting us or someone we know. There can also be joyful moments in life we wish to pray for, such as an engagement, marriage, birth, or other good news event. In addition, there may be answers to prayer for which we want to thank God. As a Christian, turning our focus to God through prayer and praise is the best way to find peace, comfort, wisdom, strength and guidance. Completing the form below will allow our staff, congregation and others to pray for you and with you. If you are making public, personal info on anyone other than yourself, if it's not already public knowledge, then please make sure they are aware of it and agree to it.
Note: You have the option of entering your email and checking the box to receive notifications, so that when people pray you will be notified and encouraged by the Lord. A phone number is NOT required; if you don't enter anything, it will be listed as None. You also have the option to hide your name, email & phone from the public post, should you want to enter the info for church contact purposes. Sometimes we will attempt to contact you before posting your prayer request to the public. Our general policy is to leave prayer requests on our site for a maximum of two months; after that, we will delete without notification. Feel free to post additional updated prayer requests; if another prayer request is submitted with the same subject matter, the older request will be deleted. In addition, if you wish to remove a prayer request before that time frame, please email us and we will be happy to do that. *THERE IS PRESENTLY AN ISSUE WITH THE EMAIL NOTIFICATION SYSTEM THAT OUR PROVIDER IS LOOKING INTO*
Side Note: Every Thursday evening at 7:00 PM we conduct a Conference Call Prayer, so that we may pray together and support each other as we connect with God. Contact Pastor Mac at or via the church number at 508-759-5141 for the call-in phone number and password.